Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is an advanced medical procedure that leverages the regenerative properties of platelets to accelerate the healing process and promote tissue repair.

During PRP Therapy, a small volume of the patient's own blood is drawn and processed using a centrifugation technique. The centrifuge separates the blood components, concentrating the platelets and plasma. The resulting platelet-rich plasma is then carefully collected for therapeutic use.

Platelets are vital blood components known for their essential role in clot formation. However, they also contain a rich reservoir of growth factors, cytokines, and bioactive proteins that play a crucial role in tissue repair and regeneration. These factors have been shown to stimulate cell proliferation, angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels), and extracellular matrix synthesis.

When administered at the site of injury or tissue damage, the concentrated platelet-rich plasma releases these bioactive factors, triggering a cascade of cellular events. This cascade leads to enhanced tissue healing, reduced inflammation, and improved functional recovery.

This therapy has a wide range of applications, including orthopedics, dermatology, dentistry, and sports medicine. It can effectively treat conditions such as osteoarthritis, tendon injuries, acne scars, and sports-related injuries.

In orthopedics, it is commonly used to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis, tendon injuries, ligament sprains, and muscle strains. PRP injections into affected joints or tissues have shown promising outcomes, including pain reduction, improved joint function, and tissue regeneration. Athletes with conditions like sprains, strains, and tendonitis can benefit from the accelerated healing and reduced downtime associated with PRP treatments.

At Keystone Revelstoke, we offer Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, employing the latest techniques and technologies. Our team of skilled medical professionals is committed to delivering personalized care and optimal treatment outcomes.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Treatment plans should be tailored to individual patients and determined by qualified healthcare professionals.


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